Ok, that is probably not the most genteel way to start a post about your darling little baby who is, perhaps, the most jolly and good-natured 5 1/2 month old on the planet. Sweet-natured he is, to be sure. He is also the most PRODUCTIVE child I’ve ever seen in the area of, how else can you say it nicely?, poopie.

(Note: if you don’t like reading about bodily functions and the yuckiness therein, you might want to pass on this post!)

And yes, I know, we have probably sunk to an all-time low note on this blog: ranting about shopping trips, posting pictures of elephant tookies, and now expounding on the matter of baby poopie. Hopefully our readers will not be offended. But hey, it’s part of life!

So, back to our story….
Continue reading “SO MUCH POOP!!!”

Spring Has Sprung

“A man’s heart — aye, and a woman’s, too — should be light in the spring. The spirit of resurrection is abroad, calling the life of the world out of its wintry grave, knocking with radiant fingers at the gates of its tomb. It stirs in human hearts, and makes them glad with the old primal gladness they felt in childhood. It quickens human souls, and brings them, if so they will, so close to God that they may clasp hands with Him. It is a time of wonder and renewed life, and a great outward and inward rapture, as of a young angel softly clapping his hands for creation’s joy.”

—from Further Chronicles Of Avonlea by Lucy Maud Montgomery

Leslie has nurtured my appreciation for wonderful quotes, so when I read this for the first time just a few days ago I knew I wanted to post it on our blog for the first day of spring. And so, here we are!!

Recently I picked up Chronicles of Avonlea and Further Chronicles Of Avonlea at a secondhand book store. Those of you who have read and loved the Anne and Emily books by LMM will enjoy these two volumes of short stories that are set in the world of Anne of Green Gables, the beautiful Prince Edward Island. They are delightful, heart-warming little stories which I’ve been enjoying in small bits during Josiah’s feedings. I recommend them highly.

Shopping Trip Gone Awry (in Which I Rant and Rave about Bad Customer Service)

In this world, one should never be truly shocked when they meet with impolite treatment in a store. Unfortunately, it happens quite alot. The fact that customer service usually carries a qualification, whether fast or slow, good or bad, for instance, betrays the fact that not all customer service is in fact, GOOD customer service, despite its definition, which is given as:

“assistance and other resources that a company provides to the people who buy or use its products or services”.

Despite plenty of poor customer service experiences, my most recent tops the list as the one in which I felt most personally slighted, and so I will share it with you…but first let me say…those of you who read this site will be able to attest to the notion that I don’t generally view our blog as a forum for airing frustrations and grievances. However, what I am about to share with you has a humorous side to it that hopefully will entertain you, as well as allow me to vent (just a little!).
Continue reading “Shopping Trip Gone Awry (in Which I Rant and Rave about Bad Customer Service)”

Remembering Diane

My Aunt Diane, the younger sister of my mother Ruth, passed away on February 13. My grandfather, Diane’s father, wrote a tribute to his daughter shortly before she died. I’ve posted a PDF version here, Remembering, with the text following. I am so thankful that God is faithful to a thousand generations of those who love him and keep his commands.


A small child about eight months of age hung over her father’s forearm like a half-filled bag of grain, legs and feet hanging down on one side and arms, hands and head on the other. As a pair of motherly looking ladies passed, one of them whispered, “Doesn’t he know how to carry a baby?” Yes, he knew. He also knew from some experience that this was definitely the position of choice for this particular child, perhaps an early indication of her propensity for “thinking outside the box.” The child was Ruby Diane Renich, the third daughter of John and Eileen Renich. She and her father were returning from their regular twice-weekly visit to the therapy and rehabilitation department of the Los Angeles (California) County’s public health service. A recent bout with polio had crippled the child’s left arm, leaving it almost useless. The therapy brought no improvement, but as the child grew she learned to adapt to her limitation and compensate for it in many ways. At this time her mother was a patient in a rehabilitation hospital some thirty miles away seeking recovery from the ravages of a much more severe attack of polio. The mother’s life had been spared, we firmly believe, in answer to the earnest prayers of many Christian friends.
Continue reading “Remembering Diane”

Miscellaneous Updates

We’ve blogged little of late. There has been a lot going on, even above and beyond the normal busyness which of course accompanies a household of six, esp when 4 of those are under the age of 7! Here’s an abbreviated, but illustrated recap of some of what we have been doing the last few weeks:

celebrating Jonathan’s 5th birthday with friends and family.

enjoying Baby Josiah’s beautiful smiles:

learning to give in-house haircuts to our boys (well, Jay is doing the hard work of cutting – I can only take credit for the photography!)

visiting with our Cousin Peg from Connecticut, who was in Dallas and not only had supper with us, but also got to meet several new family members – what fun we had!!

hosting a jammie party for Abigail’s 7th, complete with 17 of her fellow first graders, pizza, pillows, and the Aristocats.

taking in some wildlife with Abigail’s school class – this was Jay’s first time chaperoning a field trip and according to Mrs. Beller, his extensive memory from growing up in the Pacific Islands really enhanced the class’ experience at the Dallas World Aquarium. yes folks, it would appear that he remembers the name of every fish and sea creature God ever created!!

observing Nicolas plant his first kiss on a much older woman (yes, we’ll be keeping on eye on our little Romeo!) Thanks, Cynthia, for being such a good sport about it!

Supper Troubles

It is a bit of a disappointment, when upon going to check on your supper simmering nicely in the crockpot….

Which you added to the plugged-in crockpot several hours ago,

That you spent lots of time chopping and mixing together a little before that,

Because you wanted to enjoy a warm, homemade potato soup with your family on a chilly day,

And after all, you had several potatoes on hand which needed to be used,

And you even threw in the remnants of the bottle of Chardonnay that was opened a few nights ago (Because we all know that recipes just taste that much better with a bit of wine added in!)

….to find that the supposed-to-be-simmering soup is not simmering. Not exactly. And truthfully, it’s not quite yet hot. Or, patient reader, even the tiniest bit warm. Because for whatever reason, the outlet you’d plugged your trusty crockpot into IS NOT WORKING!! Bummer.

Cold potato soup with crunchy, uncooked potatoes and other veggies doesn’t sound as appealing as the warm and cooked variety. So, I’ve moved the crockpot to a different spot on the kitchen counter, picked a new outlet, and plugged the soup in. For real. At this rate it should be done by about 10:00 tonight. Which, to look on the positive side of all this, means I’ll have supper ready for tomorrow evening with no additional effort on my part.

But tonight, dear readers, we shall dine on omelets!!

What sort of meal (whether cooked or uncooked!) are you enjoying at your supper table??

Happy Birthday, Jay!

Today my sweet husband spent more time thinking about me than himself, despite the fact that it is his special day. He got up early with the kids, allowing me a rare morning of sleeping late, which was WONDERFUL!! This afternoon I got out for a couple hours sans children to do some errands and some fun window shopping. What a treat.

At the last minute, upon the Birthday Boy’s suggestion, we managed to garner a couple of lovely babysitters who facilitated a night out for us: dinner and a movie, so we finally saw Narnia. We thought the movie was incredibly well done and thoroughly enjoyed it. Sadly, we did not deem it appropriate fare for any of the youngsters in our household at this time, so they shall have to wait and enjoy it in another year, or two, or three….

Well, again, Happy Birthday to Jay. We love you very much!!

Josiah in the Johnny Jumper

Our littlest boy had a first today: first time in the Johnny Jumper. I’m already noticing something fun about having siblings who are a little older with a new baby: everytime this tiny guy does something new and interesting, he has two or three fans right by his side, cheering him on, and enjoying his new accomplishment. Jonathan and Abigail even went so far as to climb to the back of the under stairs closet (their Mommy is not so fond of tight enclosed spaces!) to retrieve the jumper for their baby brother. Here are some photos of Josiah enjoying his new (well, new to him!) toy and showing off his best jump-up form, along with a few of his ardent admirers!!

Doesn’t it look like these two guys have the same expression on their cute little faces??