Due to a very late bedtime for Abigail given her CCGD concert last night, we are enjoying a light return to schooling on this Monday after the Turkey Day holiday…but I am insisting on the children completing some school work before we turn to other things. Shortly after assigning Abigail some literature to study, I walked into the living room to this sight…
And I can’t even bring myself to scold the child because I am so impressed with her creativity….I mean….on my best day, I am hopeless at making the hula hoop stay up around my hips. Heaven forbid I try to hula whilst reading the dictionary….how do kids do it?
What a cute post/pic to finish out your NaBloPoMo obligation! You did it — congrats!!!
Congratulations are in order for you too, Mom! You are my most faithful reader, and I believe you posted a full 30 comments on my 30 entries!! Thank you!! So go ahead and give yourself a big ole’ pat on the back!! 🙂
Wow. I’m impressed with all three generations of Horne women today.