Asymetric Warfare

Here’s the thing about asymetric warfare. No matter how many battles you lose (and I’ve lost a few to this little guy), one win and the war is over.


My Sweet Chair

I stopped in a little consignment furniture store near our home this past fall “just to look”. And happened upon something I could NOT leave behind, no matter that it was near the end of the month, and after this purchase we had to eat beans for the remaining week left so that I could stay within the bounds of my budget. (haha, not really, but almost.)

This little chair and ottoman were hidden back in a corner – both pieces looked to be in wonderful shape except for a noticeable stain on the chair’s off-white slipcover, and the fact that the ottoman was missing its slipcover altogether. But they looked like “good furniture” to me, and the price was really amazing. I managed to wrestle the slipcover off the chair and was rewarded with a little tag that read “Crate and Barrel”. Not that I ever shop for furniture there, but I knew enough to recognize a good deal, as long as I could get that stain out. So, after talking the owner of the store down to $99 for the pair, and consulting a friend over the phone to make sure I wasn’t about to do something incredibly stupid, I paid for the pieces, ferried them home in my minivan and got my hunk of a man to lug them inside for me. (This was taken AFTER the ottoman got a replacement cover – don’t they look cozy??)


Like all good obsessive-compulsives would, upon arriving home I immediately got on the web to look up these pieces of furniture, since I knew I’d at least need to order a new slipcover for the ottoman part, and this is what I found: I had just purchased The Potomac Chair and The Potomac Ottoman. Which, it turns out, are really incredibly made – these are quality pieces of furniture…..with a pretty high quality price tag to go along with them. The combined cost of this chair and ottoman bought new, made my jaw drop. Wowsers. In fact, once I had done the math, I calculated that what I paid for both of them after tax, was the exact dollar amount (give or take a few cents) one would pay for JUST THE TAX on the purchase of these two pieces new. Snap!

Of course, I did have just a little more money to shell out before I was finished. But, as Providence would have it, Crate and Barrel were right in the middle of their big annual custom upholstery sale: perfect time to go choose a slipcover, and they still carried the fabric I needed. Plus a hundred other fabrics they also tried to sell me. After all, the saleslady reasoned, why not pick up a second cover for the chair and ottoman for the winter months!?! Hmmm?? Well, maybe next year. For now, I am content with my wonderful new spot for cuddling up with a book, or as is usually the case, and CHILD and a book. Nicolas and I often do his reading lessons here with the sun streaming in the window.

Oh, and in case you are wondering…Yes! that stain came out with lots of pleading on my part, and a nice long soak in Oxy-Clean. And even though off-white furniture may seem foolhardy in a house with all these kids, I for one am a pleased customer, and a proponent of the slipcover…I’ve only washed these once since originally getting them back in September, and they really look great.

So here’s to thankfulness for little surprises in the back corners of used furniture stores. Now to get some pictures up on that wall!


Very Big Deal

In April of 2007, the warzone-disguised-as-an-alley behind our house was blocked off and work gradually proceeded on replacing it.


I am happy to report that today they moved the blockade just past our house, giving us access to our garage for the first time in 9 months! Thankfully, I was optimistic (for no apparent reason) and reorganized our garage over the past month to ensure we’d be able to fit both cars in it the moment the alley was accessible. For those of you who don’t know me that well, this is a Very Big Deal.


Speaking of garage organization, one of my goals in this house was to not store anything in the attic. I’m not a big fan of the out of sight, out of mind consequences of stuff being squirrelled away in the attic, gradually accumulating over the years. But the Christmas tree and decorations presented a challenge.

You’ll see my solution above the car on the right. I put a shelf in a couple weeks ago as the Christmas decorations were coming down that fits above the garage door when it’s open. It holds the Christmas tree and several containers of ornaments and decorations.

You know, in a big picture sort of way

Nicolas, after hearing Jonathan complimented for being such a good older brother and being helpful to Josiah while I was out and about with the three boys, says, “Was I just like Jonathan on the trip except I haven’t helped anyone?”

Time to De-Lurk!!

Ok, Readers, it’s YOUR turn to talk! It has been brought to my attention that National De-lurking Day was exactly two Thursdays ago, so I am a little slow on this one, but seeing as how it’s House of Horne’s first time to celebrate, y’all won’t hold that against us, will ya?

If you visit here and never (or rarely) leave a comment, take a minute to stop and say hello today!! We would love to know who (besides Grammy Ruth and Peter) is reading!


*edited to add: Oh, and I certainly shouldn’t have implied that regular commenters should refrain from doing so. To all my little regulars: Y’all say howdy, too!! For the rest of you: you know who you are. And I know you are out there based on my stats page. C’mon now, don’t be shy!! Step on up, and just say “hi”!

Sorry for the cheese…way too much sleep deprivation going on around our house this week!

The Scene in Our Living Room

Now that both bigger boys are laid out with fever viruses, there is no couch left for Baby Jo, who isn’t sick himself, but who still wants to watch the movie with his big brothers.


So, out comes his Winnie the Pooh “Cuddly” and pillow, made by Grammy – and it makes a perfect spot to lay and watch the t.v. – still in the room, but not quite as close to the sickies.


He seems happy enough with it, even if that is a really hard floor underneath.

My New Job Title

This year I have a new job to add to my already rather long but not exhaustive list of titles including: wife, mommy, chauffer, personal chef, housekeeper, teacher, decorator, laundry woman, disciplinarian, and nurse. My new job title? One I have never had before and am not likely to have again: I am officially a Matron of Honor. M.O.H. for short.

Sadly, this new job doesn’t pay anymore than any of the ones I already had, but I don’t mind. So far, it’s been a pretty fun gig. Even downright frivolous at times. It requires lots of time on the computer, researching various topics all having to do with something called a “wedding”, and chatting on Google with the B.R.I.D.E. She’s a decent boss, good at delegation, fairly clear with her expectations, and for the most part, happy with my work so far. I’ve only gotten yelled at once or twice.

Along with this new job are some travel responsibilities, which reminds me, I should see about whether I can expense some mileage given the price of gas these days. The B.R.I.D.E. generally goes along when travel is required, and sometimes our resident J.B.M. (that’s Junior BridesMaid for those of you not in the know) accompanies us. The B.R.I.D.E. assures me that future travel will require visiting several nearby, yet exotic locations: places where they take common household ingredients like flour and sugar and turn them into works of art that look amazing yet get gobbled up all too quickly. I think she told me that visits to florists are also in our future.

But so far all our travel has taken us to chic little stores full of ballgowns, where one or more of us essentially get to play dress-up for hours on end. There is much trying-on of satin, tulle, and taffeta. Picture-taking, critiquing of various styles and colors, frowning over things we don’t like, and exclaiming about our favorites. The B.R.I.D.E. is lovely in everything she tries on so it’s sometimes hard to be a completely objective employee, and give her the feedback she needs. I’d love to prove this to you by showing you a photo of her in a frock, or maybe ten, but I do not dare or she would fire me in an instant, no questions asked. So, you’ll just have to take my word for it!

I hope to post more about my adventures as an M.O.H. in the coming weeks and months. Maybe even show you some pictures of this important new work I am involved in. But for now, I gotta run….I see a google message has popped up on my screen from the boss — duty calls!!

Reason #267 Why Being the Littlest Brother is So Cool….

Because your very patient big sister will allow you to sit on her lap forever while she plays games. This nets you:

* great cuddle time.

* nice photo-op for Mommy and that busy camera of hers with no extra work or fake posing needed on your part.

* a comfy and entertaining place to sit while you stuff your chubby cheeks with Cheez-its.

* major advantage over the other poor two year-olds who haven’t even heard of let alone begun to learn the finer points of winning at Diego’s Rainforest Adventure Game.


A Day of Rest…

is just what the Dr. ordered, and I am thankful for it. I have a stinker of a cold that I cannot shake, that just seems to get worse each day, and which I guess I have passed not only to Josiah (who is over it already) but now also to Jonathan, who started laying on the couch mid-afternoon, saying all he wanted to do was rest. Anyone with an active seven year old boy knows that a desire to rest is rare among this set, so I am anxiously watching him for signs of the plague.

A day of rest meant I also relaxed my little diet I put myself on at the New Year. Now that my baby is two (and the holidays are safely behind us!), I think it is high time I get a little serious about diet and exercise, and try to shed some of the extra slug that I have carried from ever since my inactivity due to injuries post-accident of 2005 and pregnancy/new baby that same year. I haven’t gotten freakish about what I eat, but have certainly curtailed indulgences such as snacking (especially my generous, beloved late evening snacks which I know are just horrid for me) and sweets, and have tried to watch calories and portion sizes carefully. Interestingly, after just a couple weeks of eating less, my body is pretty happy with the smaller portions, more veggies, fruits, and salads, and less breads and desserts. Of course, at this rate, it’s going to take me an awful long time to get through that delightful box of truffles my Honey gave to me for Christmas!

But not today. Today I relaxed. After a wonderful morning of worship, we enjoyed a delicious lunch at Cowboy Chicken, and I even helped polish off birthday cake for the just-turned-twelve year old in our group. I spent over an hour in bed this afternoon, just reading, and I even had a few potato chips this evening before supper – just to make sure I can still enjoy them. Tonight if I get to feeling especially wild…I might even eat one of those truffles!

Plug for the Skirty

Though I am usually not one to shamelessly try to talk people into spending money, I nevertheless want to tell you about the Skirty!! I love this new product and am following the designer and her website Amoretti Designs, with great interest.


The owner of Amoretti Designs, Rebekah Merkle, is a American, a homeschooling mommy to 5 living in England, and daughter of the famous Doug Wilson. She has launched the Skirty as her first clothing item in what she hopes will eventually be a line of fun, ladylike but innovative clothes for young girls. I for one cannot wait to see what she puts out.

The fun news is that for the next five days, Skirtys are 15% off! So…if you have a little lady in your life who could use one of these…hop on over to Amoretti Designs and snag you one or two of ’em!!