Woe is me

When I started this blog, I planned on a mix of topics ranging from the personal to the philosophical to the inane. I will now explain why the trivial/inane seems to be the main fare these days. As I blogged below, we had a rather interesting Thanksgiving vacation, culminating in a 19 hour drive back to Dallas on Thanksgiving day. The next day, Tricia and Abigail left for Atlanta, leaving Jonathan and I to have a grand time at home.

Now, the next part of this story depends on some very happy background information: we (meaning Tricia, my wife) are pregnant, due in mid-June. It was a bit of a surprise — we had sort of envisioned another year or so between Jonathan and whoever came next — but I could not be happier. The day before we left on our vacation in mid-November we got to see the little dude and his beating heart on the sonogram. It’s still a rush the third time around. Okay, a bit more background before the main point. Though we had had a bit of trouble getting pregnant the first time around, that was not the issue with our second (Jonathan). Though Abigail and Jonathan are only 2 years apart, we had two miscarriages prior to Jonathan coming on the scene.

Okay, back to the story at hand. A couple days after Tricia and Abigail returned from Atlanta (early last week), Tricia started experiencing symptoms very much in keeping with her previous miscarriages. Everything turned out okay, but it entailed several days of bedrest. During that week, we also discovered that Jonathan, who had come down with a cold while we were on vacation, now had both an ear and sinus infection. He was not a happy camper. After limping into this week, we started to pull together and try to return to a sense of normalcy in the past couple days.

Then Abigail woke up with a 103 degree fever in the wee hours of the morning last night and started vomiting. Though she felt terrible, she still didn’t seem to mind trying to play footsies with me from about 4:30 a.m. to 5:30 a.m. once we had her in bed with us for closer monitoring. Having only slept about 4 or 5 hours the night before (and having gone to bed at 1:30 a.m. last night), I was feeling like warmed over death around the time I got back to sleep at 6 a.m. Suffice to say I did not make it to work in a timely fashion.

The result of all these happenings is that I’ve not been thinking too many erudite thoughts of late. And now you know the rest of the story.

2 Replies to “Woe is me”

  1. Deal. I must say that today looks like it will be a ‘brighter’ day. After leading our weekly small group, I stayed up past midnight picking up around the house. As I had guessed, that cheered my wife probably more than anything else I could have done.

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