Simple Joys Surrounding Easter Weekend

It seems a good time to take a minute and consider with gratitude the many ways I have been reminded of how blessed I am these past few days. Here are a few:

*Eating a grand Easter Supper with a multitude of dear family and friends

*Planting spring flowers with Abigail and Jonathan

*The delectable smell of roasting turkey

*Snuggling in bed early in the morning reading books with my two boys

*Seeing the startled expression on Jonathan’s scrunched-up face after tasting a sour pickle

*Homemade frozen chocolate pie with fresh whipped cream

*A clean oven (my “automatic” cleaning cycle always causes the oven to short and blow a fuse or something, so i must do this task manually. hence, when it finally gets done, it is an event, and one to be most grateful for!)

*Receiving an unasked-for kiss and hug from little Jonathan

*Getting a letter in the mail from a lovely grown-up young woman whom I mentored as a junior and high school student

*Watching my husband and children fly a kite (even if it did end up stuck at the top of our tallest tree, thereby ending the fun!)

*Little Nicolas’ extreme delight over the fact that he is now staying dry and can wear his adored “Bob the Builder” and “Thomas” underwear

*Celebrating Jesus’ resurrection by worshipping on Easter Sunday with family, and listening to all three of my children sing “Up From the Grave He Arose” with utmost enthusiasm

Death cannot keep its prey, Jesus my Savior;
he tore the bars away, Jesus my Lord!

Up from the grave he arose;
with a mighty triumph o’er his foes;
he arose a victor from the dark domain,
and he lives forever, with his saints to reign.
He arose! He arose! Hallelujah! Christ arose!
~Robert Lowry

2 Replies to “Simple Joys Surrounding Easter Weekend”

  1. Hi Tricia,
    I always enjoy encountering your enthusiasm and insight when I visit your blog. Thank you for sharing your list of Easter Blessings, what treasures!

  2. When my girls sing “Up From The Grave He Arose”, it goes something like this:
    “….He arose a victim from the dark ptomaine (as in poisoning)…” Also sung with much enthusiasm.

    It’s very cute. Inaccurate. But cute.

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