Dear Readers,
I have not had a ton of time to blog lately. And so much of what I sit down to write about feels trite and shallow in the face of recent world events. But yesterday I read a wonderful bloggy entry by my friend Missy, and I just had to share it with you….it spoke to my heart, and is right in line with much of what we are discussing as we work through A Quest For More by Paul Trippe. (Which, if you have not read it, is fabulous and I highly recommend it!)
For some background, Missy and her husband Walker have four young kiddos and are in the process of adopting a little girl from Ethiopia.
I hope you are as blessed by Missy’s thoughts as Jay and I were. For those of you who do not like hot links embedded in text, click
to read her post entitled, “I Don’t Want My Children to be Happy!”
thanks my sweet sweet friend!! when are you coming to houston??
aw Missy, don’t take this the wrong way, but Jay and I sorta hate Houston. Mind you, we have a ton of folks down there we’d love to see, and it would be a blast to have our kiddos meet each other…maybe we ought to plan a trip down some weekend…just for fun. You’re game to put all six of us up, right?? 🙂
A refreshing perspective! Thanks for sharing.