Nicolas Andrew Horne was born on July 3, 2002 at 11:03 a.m. after about 11 hours of travail. Vitals came in at 8 lbs 15.4 ozs and 21.5 inches. He’s doing well and has taken to eating like a champ. Tricia is doing well in that sense of the word ‘well’ that encompasses having just had a child exit one’s body. In particular, we give praise to God that she does not seem to have reinjured her tailbone, which broke during her delivery of Abigail 3.5 years ago (and resulted in a c-section to deliver our son Jonathan 18 months ago).
They gave us a semi-private room to ourselves so that we would have two beds. I stayed over last night in the hospital, as I will again tonight. We caught up on much missed sleep last night thanks to some major help from some very caring nurses.
As far as questions like, “Is it as special the third time around?” I can only say that I shed tears of joy and wonder, as I have twice before.
Congrats and blessings!
Great news, Jay!
May our Lord Jesus bless your new little one! Congratulations!
Congratulations! May the Lord graciously bless you and your family.
Congratulations! May the Lord bless you richly as you raise this child for Him.