A few minutes before sunset, I was driving in the car with Abigail and Jonathan. The sunroof was open so the kids could enjoy the clouds, which were starting to light up. Abigail suddenly piped up:
A: I saw God peeking out! Yeah, yeah, I saw God peeking out from the sky, from heaven. He looked like Jesus. And He’s really big… He was really bigger than you, Dad! I saw Him by the strings.
(Editorial comment: it is my guess that “the strings” referred to power lines.)
J: (intervening into this little monologue by asking her one of her standard catechism questions) Abigail, can you see God?
A: No.
J: But…
A: But He always sees me… but I saw God. I’ve never seen God before. He gave me a special treat. I got to see Him. That was fun!
(Snip much more dialogue on the topic that I can’t remember… Abigail was quite excited.)
Then, returning home at night, more dialogue, with a few more choice quotes:
A: Dad, can you see God?
J: No, because God is a spirit and has not a body like man.
A: I can’t see God either, because it is dark.
J: That’s nice, honey.
great stuff…again. those kids of yours are pretty wise arnt they!