…with two sets of sweet friends who have both received glorious news about their adoption referrals within the last two weeks. What a beautiful picture it is of our own adoption as children of God, to see people welcoming babies who were once orphaned, into their hearts and home, resulting in a family. We cannot wait to see these three baby girls brought home, and are praying “Soon, Lord Jesus, soon!!” Jana and Michael, Jami and Shawn we are so happy with you.
How amazing! I just checked both those blogs yesterday for the first time, so I’m rather stunned and very, very thankful!
Woohoo! Thank you for pointing me to those blogs; like Grammy Ruth, I had never been there and I had no idea where they were in the process.
This is wonderful news!
Hi Tricia,
I’m not sure how it happened, but I ran across your blog the other day and have been meaning to say “hi”. You have such a lovely family! I’m so glad you are doing well.
I am still in College Station. I am married to Scott (engineering professor) and we have 5 month old twins James and Evelyn. I am staying home for a few more months and am praying about returning to work as an ob/gyn part time in January.
I have been trying to get a blog organized for my in-laws mainly as they live in Colorado, so I am always curious to see what others are doing. Yours is great!You are a talented writer.
God bless you!