This morning when my carpooler picked Abigail up for school, I heard a sort of familiar tune coming from her car stereo. It took me a second or two to place it and then I exclaimed to her, “I had this record when I was a little girl! I loved it!” She said that she had it too as a child and enjoyed it, and had picked it up for her kids to listen to now.
I hadn’t thought of this album in years so I got out on the web and it turns out they don’t sell the record anymore – big surprise! But you can get it on cassette or cd: It’s called the Music Machine and here is the best price I could find for the cd online, new ($6.99).
The album is about a boy and girl who learn all about the Fruits of the Spirit through a series of songs that this Magical Music Machine creates. The song that had been playing in Elizabeth’s car was one of my favorites, about a little snail named Herbert who races around impatiently doing everything in “double time”, not at all appropriate for a proper snail. His father takes him aside and speaks to him about being patient. Hmmm…that’s one of the Fruits of the Spirit I struggle with probably more than any!
I found some music clips online:
This clip is from the song about Faith:
The second is from the Patience song– this portion of the song is the slow part, sung by Herbert’s father.
The rest of the music clips can be found here. It was really fun to listen to all these and realize I remember almost EVERY lyric to these songs I probably first heard about 26 years ago!
So, tell me: did any of you have this record as kids??
Too funny! As a kid, I had a friend that had these tapes. The only line I remembered was “Have patience, have patience, don’t be in such a hurry!” I have been singing that line to Sydney for weeks, but had no idea how the rest of the song went, or where it had come from. Thanks for sharing the blast!
That’s really funny, Rollin. Thanks for sharing the cute story.
That’s so funny you mention that! Jessica had that same tape & has been looking for it! HA!