
Steering wheel from busA bus carrying kids to a church camp crashed. Four of the children died. Our maid’s son, Tim Kaniatobe, was one of three that had to be airlifted back to Dallas. He’s currently listed in serious condition with two broken legs and numerous facial cuts. The whole mess is terribly sad.

On a separate, less tragic note, we are still awaiting the birth of our third child. Yesterday was his official due date. We’re still waiting. I’m nesting. I suppose I should add that we don’t normally have a maid (though I sure wouldn’t mind if we did), but have secured the services of a wonderful woman for the few months around the impending birth.

4 Replies to “Tragedy”

  1. I’m so sorry to hear of this tragedy. I will keep all the people involved in my prayers. And I’ll also pray that all goes well for your wife and child. Congratulations in advance!

  2. Hey. I had heard about Tim being injured from my family. Although I havent met you, I just wanted to say that I’m sorry about what happened and I hope everything is okay
    -Macey Kaniatobe

  3. My nephew’s name is Nathan Kaniatobe. He do not know his paternal family that well. Just curious about the name. Is it an Indian name (Choctaw?)?

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