As of today, we are the proud adoptive family of one sweet little yellow lab. Her name has been Dixie, which we like ok, but we are trying to determine if we can come up with a name we like better, that fits her perfectly, and that everyone in this family can agree on. Probably not on that last count, but it’s worth a try.
So…..all of our wonderful readers: will you please help?? Submit your best pick for a name for our new dog, and the lucky winner will receive……..well….the SATISFACTION of knowing you helped the Hornes find the perfect name for Dixie, also known now as, “What’s-her-name”?? In addition, “What’s-her-name” will send you a letter expressing her personal thanks, signed by her very own self.
Dixie is, and probably at full-size will remain a rather petite-ish lab, topping out at probably 55-60 pounds. She’s a very pale yellow lab, “blonde” in color with brown eyes and a nose. She is loving and sweet, and can catch a frisbee like no dog we’ve ever been around before. For seven months old she is pretty well-behaved. She loves car rides, practicing her obedience training moves, catching frisbees from Jay, and pretending she is a lap dog.
If it is any help, here are some names that were put forth by various people around here as good possibilities. My personal favorite is Lucy, chosen because it was the name of the littlest girl in one of our favorite stories: CS Lewis’ The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe, but Jay feels uncomfortable with that name because his paternal grandmother was named Lucille. Ah well….
Other possibilities which we cannot get unanimous agreement on include:
Maisie, Trixie, Tansy, Rosie, Sweet Pea, Pixie, Myrtle, Chloe, Charlotte, and Shiloh.
So come one, everyone, send in names!!! Little Miss “What’s-Her-Name” patiently awaits your wonderful suggestions!
First, CONGRATULATIONS!! How exciting for you guys! (Especially that you have no more need to job-hunt!)
After doing some mild surfing, I have found a few names of interest…But nothing as good as “Lucy”. That dog looks like a Lucy. But I digress…
I found:
1. Eran (which means “watchful”, see one of your earlier posts about Dixie)
2. Mai (which has something to do with the color yellow in Vietnamese), and
3. Pascal (b/c I like math, ha ha…I threw that one in for free..)
I also like Lucky, which is similar to Lucy, but everyone names their Lab “Lucky” these days.
My last suggestion (if you don’t mind me hogging all the comment room) is for “Susie”. Also a character in TLTWaTW (Susan) and a cutie-type girl name (which seems to be a theme with the other names you guys like).
I can’t wait to hear what you’ve decided!
That is so exciting. From what I’ve heard about the-soon-to-be-ex-Dixie this is a good choice for your family. I don’t know that I have any good name suggestions for you, though. However, since you officially adopted her on Earth Day, what about an earthy name? Perhaps Brook/Brooke or Daisy or Skye or somesuch. Congratulations on your new family member. Enjoy her.
Angie, that’s quite an array. One quibble, though: not only is “Susan” relatively well-known name in your family, but by your (and Tricia’s) storyline logic, she would eventually become so concerned with treats and doggie toys that she would lose all interest and membership in the family.
As for my own lack of contributions, I plead the birthday amendment.
Peter–BWA-HA-HA!! 🙂 And, Happy Birthday, if it IS your birthday and if I can do that through comments on someone else’s blog. Heh.
Also, I’m thinking Rita is on to something with the Earth Day motif….FWIW, “Daisy” would get my vote.
Rita and Angie, you are both right on! We LOVE the name Daisy, in fact I think it’s the only name everyone in the family likes so far. However, our illustrious canine cousin, Daisy, Peter’s Golden Retriever has already laid claim to that name. So keep the suggestions coming!
Peter, Happy, Happy, Birthday and all that, but when the day is over, I will be looking forward to some witty suggestions from you!
As son of the aforementioned Lucille, I think the name Lucy applied to a worthy canine would cause no grief among her offspring. I like the name Baily, which is sort of like Daisy.
Although I rarely comment, I think this is a momentous occasion, and I would like to weigh in. Since Tricia has already nixed my suggestions of Tallie, Maggie, and Dorie, I think the only suitable suggestion I have left is…
***drum roll please***
Or maybe Calvina or Calvinia – Callie for short? I think John has forgotten that Baily is in the same class as Daisy – already taken by a dog belonging to a Brunone sibling (unless I’m really confused).
But I’m with John regarding Lucy, and I never heard my MIL referred to by a nickname of any sort.
Mom, I could be wrong, but my guess is that Dad was using his dry wit, as was Sandra when she recommended we use my OTHER brother’s dog name. All I can say is, if there is no objection to Lucy by our respectable Horne parentals, then dear Jay, what is the problem?? Hmmmmm?? 🙂
Yes, I am greatly humbled by the wit of those around me!
Congrats on 2 momentus occassions – of course to Jay- way to go- faith and prayers always win
Next to the adoptive family- she is cute, I go for the simple – pooch-
Congratulations on the newest family member!
How about Mollie, Lily or Riley? (I’ll have to think more & come back later…)
Maybe you could go old fashioned with something like Harriet, Beatrice or Clementine….
From the St Louis Hornes:
Calvin – Simone (a female counterpart to our Simon)Calvin also likes Lucy.
Nevin – McKay or Rose
Evangeline – Goldie or Bella
Charis – Flower
I vote against Calvin, for obvious reasons; but I sort of like Callie
Jennifer – I also like Lucy; Dixie; Corrie
(One more, and I’ll shut up….) How about Chloe?
Such great suggestions, Everyone!! Thank you!
Mom, I appreciate the additional, and gracious support on Lucy. (Jay is moaning that you always take my side – haha! – which isn’t true!!)
Kimberly, we are on the same wave length: Chloe, Beatrice and Clementine are all names I suggested to my family members.
Jennifer, of course you probably know Andrew already has a dog named Calvin whom we consider a canine cousin, so we won’t be using that one. But I think we also already have a human cousin by that name!
Calvin, Nevin, Evangeline, Charis – you guys have great suggestions too! Lucy, Rosie, Bella and Flower are all beautiful names that your Aunt Tricia likes very much. And Simone is very French-sounding, which is nice too.
Ok, I never, ever, ever plan to have a dog. Every time Shep asks for a pet, I point to Ingram. However, I have given some thought to, if I had a dog, what would I name it. And I have decided that I would go with family names that are cool, but that I would never name a human.
So, if we ever got a dog, his name would be my maternal grandma’s maiden name: Twomey.
As in, Come to-me, Twomey.
So my advice is, look in the old family tree for inspiration.
Just curious…. not trying to pry, I would just like to ask, what are you calling the doggie these days?
Following Missy’s suggestion above, you could go with Gury or Eckel or Renich from my side of the family.
But another serious suggestion is Blondie. Then if you ever added a male lab to the family he could be Dagwood!