Here is a picture taken early this morning of our Jonathan, dressed and ready for his adventure at preschool. Despite having missed the official first day of school last week due to a tummy ailment, he jumped right into his activities today with no apparent distress about being away from Mommy for the morning. And, from what we can tell, he had a marvelous time. His teacher, a very sweet, nurturing lady known to the two year old scholars as “Miss Mary” praised him for his cooperative behavior and his enthusiasm at participating in the classroom activities on this his first day. Between you and me, his parents are hoping that such continues to be the case!! We are very excited for him and hope this is the start of a wonderful school experience.
What a big boy! I’m so glad he enjoyed his first day!
One question….did he take the spatula to school?
I was wondering about the spatula, too.
Great job Jonathan!
So he’s going to cooking school, eh? Well at least he doesn’t have a bright pink backpack. I’m so proud of my little nephew, and I hope his schooling goes great!
Wow. Jay face, Tricia mouth. It’s ever so apparent there.
Kudos also to little J on the apparent lack of girly accessories; I think he’ll do just fine.