Let me set the scene. You are a few years shy of 40. Up to and including college, you were in fighting shape, and could throw down 30 or 40 dips then drop to the floor and do 50 or so push ups. You decide you want to humiliate yourself. What should you do?
I found that buying the Creative Fitness Door Gym was a great approach. Because, you know, I thought pull-ups would be a nice addition to my in-home workout. Works flawlessly as advertised. The only problem being I don’t work as advertised anymore.
Maybe you need some new ad people. Seriously, when did we get so close to 40?
I have seriously considered the ab lounger several times. I’ve stopped myself just as they’re asking for my credit card number.
Hmmm… I though you were going to write about your interest in home brewing systems.
I know how you feel. I am trying to teach my boys 6 1/2 and 8 1/2 how to do pushups for their TaeKwanDo classes and the most I can do in a row are 5 then I have to switch to my knees(girl style – but I don’t tell the boys that) in order to do another 5.
And yes it’s me from Kwaj.
So I’m reading the comment, and the whole time I’m thinking, “Is that Nick from Kwaj???”
Great to hear from you!