Jammied Children

We haven’t posted a picture of all three kids together for some time. So here are our three freshly bathed little Hornes ready for bed. Abigail and Jonathan think it is so cool that they all three have matching jammies!! I actually found the two older kids’ sleepers clearanced a couple years ago before Nicolas was born. They were very roomy on them back then! When my friend Jessica told me she owned the same pajama in an 18 month size which she would love to give us, I accepted happily. So now we have a matched trio! Thanks, Jess!!

4 Replies to “Jammied Children”

  1. Has Nicolas had a haircut???!!! He looks so “little boyish.” I love it. Of course, I guess it could be a deceptive after-shampoo combing, in which case he still looks less “babyish.”

  2. Love ’em, love ’em, love ’em!!!!! How perfect. So happy to see a picture of how darling all three of them are! Thanks, girl.

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