Catch it I did! And the forceps are standard fisherman gear to help remove hooks, particularly from the small fish that the kids were catching by the bucketfuls. But I’m betting you knew that… and it does sort of look like it’s holding up my pants.
We had a huge fish fry yesterday for the 12 of us (the Hornes, the Horne parents John and Ruth, and the Clemmons), and we actually ate a good bit of fish that the kids had caught. Very fun indeed.
Hear, hear!! I second Grammy Ruth’s words. Both the fishermen were amazing: during the days we were there they saw to it that all the children (save Josey) were able to catch as many fish as they wanted, and then the men fished some more! We all ate till our tummies were full of David’s delicious fried fish! Of course, Steph and I chalked all this up to the little cans of tuna we brought along “just in case they couldn’t catch enough fish for a meal”. Nothing like a little pressure, eh??
This is obviously a forged photo! Next thing you’re going to say is that you caught it yourself…
BTW – Do we want to know what the forceps are doing on your t-shirt? Doubling as a belt?
Catch it I did! And the forceps are standard fisherman gear to help remove hooks, particularly from the small fish that the kids were catching by the bucketfuls. But I’m betting you knew that… and it does sort of look like it’s holding up my pants.
We had a huge fish fry yesterday for the 12 of us (the Hornes, the Horne parents John and Ruth, and the Clemmons), and we actually ate a good bit of fish that the kids had caught. Very fun indeed.
Rollin, I can attest to the authenticity of photo, fish, and fisherman. I can also testify to David’s skills as both fisherman and fryer of fish.
Hear, hear!! I second Grammy Ruth’s words. Both the fishermen were amazing: during the days we were there they saw to it that all the children (save Josey) were able to catch as many fish as they wanted, and then the men fished some more! We all ate till our tummies were full of David’s delicious fried fish! Of course, Steph and I chalked all this up to the little cans of tuna we brought along “just in case they couldn’t catch enough fish for a meal”. Nothing like a little pressure, eh??