Here’s the basic shape of our trip to Flagstaff this past Thursday.
The Plan: Get to bed by 10:30 pm Wednesday night so we can get several hours of sound sleep before getting up at 4 am
Reality: Up until 12:30 am. Asleep by 1. Awaken by Jonathan bellowing twice during the night. Get up a bit after 4 am, having gotten 2 hours of sleep.
The Plan: Leave at 5 am for long stretch before breakfast with the kids sleeping.
Reality: Got everyone in the minivan by 5:15 am. Turned the ignition. Nothing happens. Turns out I had managed to kill the battery while testing the portable TV/VCR I had set up in the van. Struggle with numerous godly virtues (or lack thereof). Get the jumper cables and hook up the minivan to the other car’s battery. After 15 minutes of trying finally get the minivan started. Leave around 5:40 am with two disgruntled, most definitely not sleeping, children.
The Plan: Zip in and out of McDonald’s for breakfast.
Reality: 90 minutes of food and numerous bathroom visits with disgruntled children.
The Plan: Long stretch to lunch.
Reality: 140 miles into the trip, several minutes after the children had finally fallen asleep, missed the reduced speed limit sign in Wichita Falls, TX. Got a speeding ticket.
The Plan: More humerous goals and aspirations leading to the timely arrival in Flagstaff, AZ, around 10 or 11 pm.
Reality: 500 miles of continuous rain. A couple more very long stops along with a couple shorter ones. Attempting to stay awake by consuming bags of candy and animal crackers, numerous cokes and root beers. Singing along with U2’s The Joshua Tree late at night (answering the question, “What would U2 sound like if Bono stank?”). And finally, amazingly, only around 19 hours later, safe arrival in Flagstaff.
90 minutes at Mickey D.’s??? That gives new meaning to the phrase, “fast food.”
I can’t imagine how you managed to stay there that long, even with all the bathroom breaks. Or maybe it’s just my naiveté showing—me having zero children and all.
Glad to hear you arrived safely despite the frustrations. Enjoy AZ!
Ouch. So what’s the speeding ticket going to cost you?
The speeding ticket is still in the glove box. Out of sight out of mind until we return to Dallas. However, it’s my first in about 8 years, so I plan to suffer through Defensive Driving.
And yes, all will become clear regarding the 90 minutes at MD’s once you have children (and those children have been cooped up in a car for hours).