While parts of our Christmas were postponed due to our extended time with the flu, we did enjoy having the delightful company of both Uncle Andrew and Aunt Sandra on Christmas Day. Though a couple of us were still a bit ill, my youngest sibs decided to chance it, and came to spend the night on Christmas Eve. In the morning, we enjoyed a leisurely and delicious breakfast, prepared in large part by our industrious houseguest Sandra, and then read the Christmas Story, opened presents together, and “played” for much of the day. With the immense help of our company we prepared a Christmas feast for supper despite not feeling quite up to par yet ourselves.
We were so grateful for Andrew and Sandra’s willingness to stay with us despite our potentially contagious home; it made our day so much more fun to have visitors! Here are some pictures from our day, complete with Abigail and her new “big girl bike” and Jonathan, whom you’ll see strumming his “guitar like Daddy’s”. Enjoy!