Steve Camp on Chevrolet Worship

Steve Camp has written an open letter to the church regarding the Chevrolet sponsored Come Together & Worship tour that is probably worth a read (link courtesy Scarecrow).

I am concerned that there exists in CCM today a pervasive growing attitude of unteachableness, unaccountability, and a lack of submissiveness to the Word of God and the authority of the local church. It seems today that anyone who challenges the CCM industry as to its current practices and alliances according to the standard of God’s Word is labeled as divisive, condemning, and unloving. While those that are constantly operating outside of the purview of God’s Word are labeled as innovative, visionary, and kind? Tolerance is not a spiritual gift; it is the distinguishing mark of postmodernism; and sadly, it has permeated the very fiber of Christianity. Why is it that those who have no biblical convictions or theology to govern and direct their actions are tolerated and the standard or truth of God’s Word rightly divided and applied is dismissed as extreme opinion or legalism?

6 Replies to “Steve Camp on Chevrolet Worship”

  1. Isn’t it interesting that Steve’s challenge is being viewed as “pushy” or “preachy”. Personally, I admire Steve’s willingness to step out and address these issues. God is speaking to us, all the time, from many different perspectives. Are we listening?

  2. As a teenager, I remember Steve standing out in a crowd of pop artists and new to the stage “Christian Rappers.” Don’t get me wrong, I appreciate both styles of music. But that is all it was – music, something with a beat.
    Steve was different. Steve stood for something. His music had a Godly message and was more than music. It was a ministry.
    God Bless Steve and his family for the courage that it takes to stand up for what is right (especially when one is in the limelight.)

  3. I am looking for a church that is not Jehovah Witness’s or the mormons that is in my area.

    My address is:
    2511 D St SE Apt 17
    Auburn, WA 98002

    I am new to the area.


    P. S. Preferrably Assembly of God

  4. Thank you Steve Camp for your standing firm in defense and witness to the power of the Word of God. Your music speaks with athority. For the eyes of the Lord look throught the earth that He may strogly support those hearts which are completely His. Thank you for your influence in my life. Thank you for your obdience to the Holy Spirit. Keep the standard raised, and your armor on… For the Glory of Jesus Christ… fellow watchman, Nathan.

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