7 thoughts on “

  1. Pingback: A Challenge to PCA Presbyteries « Reformed Musings

  2. Bobber

    In one of RC Sproul’s books, he discusses how, historically, many of the prominent theologians and pastors of the past were reformed but that this has changed in the 19th and 20th centuries. Sproul suggests that it is not appropriate to do theology by a show of hands. However, the numbers may at least cause us to take a second look and make sure we have things right.

    From the admittedly small amount of discussion that I have read so far since the GA resolution has passed, most of the FV guys are looking closely at the bible and trying to explain their theology from scripture. While most of the TRs are appealing to the show of hands and digging their heals into the GA resolution. Quite interesting don’t you think?

  3. Pingback: “God is on our side”–Maybe Not « Reformed Musings

  4. mark Post author

    Oh, for God’s sake, stop digging! There is nothing remotely consitutional in your argument. The orthodoxy of ministers is not subject to majoritarian votes on committee reports. Submit to the order you claim to uphold, already!

    This isn’t a high school clique and you’re not allowed to run it that way.


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