Don’t talk so much about yourself

As Eliza Bennett says in one of the film versions of Pride and Prejudice, “Honesty is a greatly overrated virtue.”

Husbands and wives who talk a lot about their relationships to others, and parents who talk a lot about their relationships with their kids to others, need to ask themselves this question. How much does the Bible warn us about the dangers of sharing too little? How much are we commanded to speak a little more voluminously? You have concordances and Bible search programs on your computer. Go. Check it out. Now, how much does God tell us to guard our tongues? James does not call the tongue a cosmos of iniquity because the tongue hardly says anything (Jas. 3:6). Where words are many, sin is not absent (Prov. 10:19).

When it comes to driving lessons for the tongue, the Holy Spirit teaches us repeatedly about the brake pedal. I am simply pointing out that there is a likely reason for this. He expects we already know about the accelerator.

via Priests With Spears.

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