An apology for an earlier blog post.

Earlier, I made some serious accusations (going to motives etc) and used pretty crude language in the process referring to 19 men who signed a letter that accused a PCA pastor of denying justification by faith alone.

One of the nineteen wrote and confronted me about it and I’m posting my apology here to all of them since the original post was once here and was public for some time.  Here it is.

It was sinful of me to impugn your motives or to bypass the church courts and accuse all the signatories of serious sins. My intemperate and insulting language was an added sin.  I’m very sorry and hope the signatories will forgive me.  I also apologize to my own presbytery who are in the process of dealing with the accusations.  “I, the presbytery,” is not a godly attitude.

Since I could easily see it defeating the purpose of this post to allow comments, I’m going to disable them in this case.

I appreciate the prayers of all.