Wesley Mouch: Ayn Rand had a way with names

I mentioned earlier that I felt like I was stuck in an Ayn Rand novel.  A favorite sci fi author reminded me of some more details about why that is. I think some writer’s scoffed that Rand would name a government bureaucrat, who blackmailed and stole from corporate heads, “Wesley Mouch.”

Can you imagine the reaction if she had named one of her villains Neel Kashkari?

Of course, the situation has grown far far worse since I made my dystopian literary comparison.  I guess there is no real conspiracy because, you know, conspirators hide what they are doing.  This is all going on in the daylight with the aid and abetment of the media, both main political parties, and their candidates.

Where do you think this lawlessness will end?  Right now, I’m praying my kids grow up and grow old without being citizens of a country where there is open knowledge of an assassination of someone for not cooperating with the executive branch.  I can hear the NPR discussion now.  “Well, I think it is probable that he ordered it done and it might stand up in court.  But everyone knew that something had to be done with this economy the way it is.  The real question should be why the CEO refused to do what was necessary.”


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