7 thoughts on “…that’s the problem with Athanasius: couldn’t count, only read

  1. David Gray

    >Christians have been justifying the mass killing of civilians in the name of defeating the enemy

    That sort of stuff is going to make it hard for people to take you seriously…

  2. mark Post author

    David, is it debatable? Have there been many American Christians who condemn the bombing of civilians?

    BTW, I don’t completely buy the Libertarian analogy. One could bring up a hypothetical case in which a criminal with an atom bomb strapped on his back was in a crowd, and policemen fired on him.

  3. David Gray

    >David, is it debatable? Have there been many American Christians who condemn the bombing of civilians?

    It is entirely debatable. When has the US specifically targeted non-combatants?

  4. David Gray

    >First 3 words that pop into my head: Dresden, Hiroshima, Nagasaki.

    So nothing since WWII? Nothing for today’s generation of American Christians?

    Unless you’ve had access to the SIOP I doubt you are familiar with US targeting practices during the Cold War. But I’m sure you are aware that no cities in the Soviet Union were bombed.

  5. mark Post author

    David, I’ve removed the offending material from the post in order to not get in the way of the point.

    I have seen nothing like the condemnation of American actions from Christians that the same Christians expect of others when other nations do the deed. My hero Reagan said it was his goal to get rid of MAD because it was insane. I took him at his word without knowing about SIOP. There was certainly never anything like a Christian response to the policy from Evangelicals–except from the Left.

    “But I’m sure you are aware that no cities in the Soviet Union were bombed.”

    Did I not say “in terms of intent”? What is your point?


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