Monthly Archives: May 2007

links for 2007-05-30

Hey, if someone wants to really talk about Reformed heresy, then lets talk

I’m cool with that. Here we go:

  • Nestorianism — Gordon Clark; see witnesses here and here.
  • Pantheism — Creation ex nihilo is untrue. Rather, creation must be ex deo, a “modification of divine being.” Who taught this? John Gerstner in his “handout theology” which is still sold by Ligonier Ministries. I heard Gerstner teach this and, I notice through Google that I am not the only one (here and here or here; to their credit, the consensus of the Puritanboard was to reject it).
  • Merit legalism — John Gerstner, according to Brian Schwertley, taught that our good works were meritorious before God.

OK so what do we find here? Two things stick out.

  1. What has historically caused the Church to call for international councils and a great schism in the Western Church, barely raises an eyebrow in the modern (I’m tempted to capitalize the adjective) Evangelical Reformed subculture. To even find someone bothering to mention the issue requires a search for blogs and bulletin boards. I’ve not found any official church teaching on it by any denominational entity.
  2. Behold how gently, how gently, the critics handle the teachings of these men. The gulf between their attitudes toward real, bona fide heresies and teachers of heresies in comparison to how others are treated…. What can I say? Doug Wilson is now persona non grata despite years of writing for TableTalk but Gerstner is still actively promoted?

…wasted on the young


No, this was not its longest. The fact that my bangs don’t hang over my eyes or reach from the center of my forehead to my ears, tells you that I’m becoming rather tame at this point.

Is it embarrassing?

No, this is really embarrassing! God forgive the fanboy sins of my youth.

PS: And by the way, Chris always looked clean cut and conservative… so there! 😉