4 thoughts on “Mark Driscoll on McLaren on Brokeback Nation

  1. nate puckett

    you might want to read the post script apology that driscoll later wrote on the same link. the matter is not so “damn straight” as you might want it to be. even driscoll himself noticed how poor his motives and tone were in writing that article. maybe he’ll eventually see how poor his theological assumptions are as well. that usually takes longer.

  2. Mark Horne

    Assumptions? I have no idea what you are talking about. I’m sorry that Driscoll felt he had to apologize. I’ve complained about the way McLaren gets treated, but I think in this case he should expect and be able to deal with serious opposition.

    Sounds to me like you just want a free pass for someone with whom you agree and with whom I don’t.


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