Time to Relax

End of summer-beginning of school 2005 044.jpg

This picture shows our kids having fun around the house together. It was taken on a weekend night a little more than a month ago. When I look at it, I am reminded of how great it is to just hang out in the living room and watch them enjoy each other. Lately with school and work and all of the “stuff” in our lives, we haven’t been doing that nearly as much as I would like. I am looking forward to our routine getting into more of a rythm so we have more time to relax like this. Until then, I can enjoy this picture

Satisfying Work

The first of what will hopefully be many press releases written by me for a school can be found here (click on the “school news” link on the left–it’s the first story). I was really pleased that our suburban weekly newspaper published it. This is one of the 3 part-time jobs I am doing from my home this year to help pay for tuition for our kids. I must say that writing and dealing with newspapers is the most enjoyable job of the three, and I hope it continues to go well. The school’s principal was very pleased with this, and he actually referred to me as the school’s “PR person.” This made my day, well, really my week. I needed some encouragement, and the publication of this short piece and my conversation with the principal came at just the right time.

How do we do everything?

I really wonder how people manage everything in their lives. I’ve come to the conclusion that some things just have to slide occassionally, and I can’t stress over them when this happens.

What about you? Do you reasonably accomplish all that you set out to do each day? Or, do you accept the fact that not everything can be done without stressing? Just curious.

Foggy Saturday Morning Thoughts

My mind is bumping up against many different thoughts this morning like a pinbll machine. Perhaps it is because Mark and Calvin are gone for the day, and I have to form my schedule around the other 3 children without any hope of his running “interferance.”

Mark and Calvin are on Calvin’s first boy scout campout. They left after school yesterday. Calvin was sooooo excited. Let’s just say, Mark was NOT. But I am sure there will be fond memories of the outing long into the future.

The remaining 3 children and I went to a birthday party for one of Nevin’s new classmates last night. This boy and his brother were celebrating their birthdays together because the older one’s birthday was the day of Katrina, and their family was in the process of fleeing Gulfport, MS. The party was being held during the week of the younger boy’s actual birthday. There were a lot of children from the boys’ school there. It was held at a park where the kids played until it was nearly dark before the party festivities got started. Before things got going for very long, the county police showed up because the parents didn’t know they needed to have a permit to use the park pavillion. Fortunately, they were given a warning, and we were not forced to leave immediately. Before it was all over, the kids watched a magic show that was pretty amazing. It included hypnotizing a woman from the audience and semi-levitating her. I certainly had no clue how this was done! The party went pretty late for family fare, so I am moving slowly this morning.

I’ve also been thinking about our new nephew, baby Josiah . I am so grateful to God that he has arrived in this world safely. For some reason, I was more concerned for him than most babies I know are about to be delivered. So I prayed a little more than I might normally have done. I am not saying that is why he and his mom are safe and well now, but I am thankful God took care of them both.

Finally, I have been watching our youngest, Charis, just being 2. She is talking so much now, and she comes up with some pretty cute stuff. I know Mark blogged about her praying already, but I just love to hear her pray for her siblings and I love the way she specifically names what she is thankful for–her waffle, her chocolate milk, etc. She also has a determination to do things her way that is remarkable. She is stubborn and sweet altogether. I guess I am savoring her little ways since I know this is the last time I’ll witness a child of mine being 2.